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  有哪些白癫疯心理障碍 Vitiligo is a skin disease of a class, in the treatment, indeed difficulty is larger. But cannot because vitiligo patients with refractory died, or lost confidence = cure. Vitiligo in spite of the refractory, but not everybody imagination of so terrible. Patients with vitiligo treatment needs to be a good mentality to treat diseases. Suffered from vitiligo, patients must pay attention to their mentality adjustment.
  Although said vitiligo is now common in life, but once learned that he had vitiligo, lots of people are going to be on such a fact, a sad mood is a kind of psychological reaction, often the attitude to anything is cool, it's not yourself, lose the confidence of the life!
  Diet is also one of the factors leading vitiligo, vitiligo patients in addition to actively cooperate with medical treatment, if they can scientifically adjust the diet, attention to daily life, you can make the recovery process reduces vitiligo some resistance. A note of trace elements intake, promote the use of copper utensils. More than two eat fresh, talk chlorophyll, eat liver, lean meat, beef, melanin things such as black sesame, black beans and so on. Three Eat spicy foods, such as wine, pepper, raw garlic, four Eat less meat, fat, seafood, five less food rich in vitamin C foods such as tomatoes, hawthorn, bayberry and other carbonated beverages.
  Patient treatment of vitiligo have patience, not because of the treatment process is long and permanently lose faith. Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease, vitiligo pigment regeneration, skin repigmentation requires a relatively long process, not overnight there will be much effect, so patients should resistant heart, according to treatment medication, applicator, do not be too hasty.
  Everyone in life, do not talk with others patients, in order to avoid harm to patient self-esteem. Because the disease affects the patient's mood right will lead to abnormal metabolism of melanin, the female is more evident among colleagues in the correct way to give care and help avoid rhetorical, too often ask patients would provoke upset.

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